Is there an epitaph you would like for others to read after you have departed from this world? There is a story going around that three men died and met St. Peter at the Golden Gate. He asked each man this question. "What would you like your epitaph to say?" The first said, 'A good man and a good example for others.' The second said, 'Here lies an unselfish man, a leader among men.' The third said, I would like to hear others say (at the funeral) 'I think I saw him move.'
Immediately we see one man was not ready to leave this world. He wanted to go back. He reminds us of Lot’s wife. She had to have one more look. She was not prepared to move on, even though her life would be spared. I don’t know if you have a preferred epitaph, but if you are entering heaven for eternity, to see Jesus face to face is all that matters.
I read theological and devotional books because they inspire me to know more about the deep things of God. Remember what David said in one of his psalms: “As the deer thirst after the water brook, my soul thirst for thee, O God." I want that intimate knowledge of God, not just knowledge “about” God, but to know Him. A kind of intimacy that satisfies the hunger of the soul. We must not forget that God is a Person and it is possible to know Him personally. To know anyone takes time and requires several encounters. It is more than a casual encounter, it is the fullest, most intimate communion of which the human soul is capable.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Be filled with the fruit of the spirit.
Be filled with knowledge of God personally.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do God's will beginning today.
Do love heaven more than the things of this world.
Give to others.
Give up things to serve God.
Give and it shall be given unto you.
Wake up.
Stand up.
Give up.
Look up.
When I read this, I can't help but think of Matthew 25:1-13. There are so many people who stumble through life thinking that just because they are good people, they know Jesus. But they never took the time to read about Him or follow His commandments. They never took the time to contemplate His many mysteries. And I just want to say "Wake Up, Stand Up, Give Up, Look Up". Thank you for this!!