Tuesday, December 28, 2010


What a picture of freedom: free to roam, free to run, free to go anywhere, free to run in the sand, free to get your feet wet, free to breathe, free to be different, free to run with friends, free to be part of a team, free to hit the waves, free to see and feel the beauty of the ocean.

These beautiful horses remind me of the kind of freedom that all humans wish for: free to be different, free to see God's beauty, free to breathe fresh air, free to be with friends and family, free to believe, free to run in any and all directions, free from restraints. 

Horses seem to suggest strength and beauty and much more. Before they were tamed and broken in, they ran wild on the plains of the west. Running wild still has limits and boundaries. Sadly, these horses were tamed to do the will of man. Man trained them to move according to the demands of a bridle and bit. Reigns were strapped to their backs. They were pulling heavy loads and plowing fields to prepare the soil to grow crops. They were given food and a roof over their heads.

Where are these beautiful specimens of strength running? Do they have a destination? When we are able to run anywhere, in any direction, it doesn't make any difference if you are going north, south, east or west, as long as there is rest at the end of the day.

What lessons can we learn from these specimens of strength?

Be free, but don't run over others.
Be free, but be kind to one another.
Be free, but choose friends wisely.
Be free, but don't take advantage of the weak
Be free, but  be considerate and love your neighbor.
Be free, but not wild and out of control.
Be free, but not selfish.
Be free, but love God and man.
Be free and find peace and rest at the end of the day.
What freedom!

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1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Mr. Ted! Your suggestions for freedom are actually some of the Ten Commandments...isn't it amazing how truly "free" we are with God's commandments?!?
