Sunday, March 6, 2011

Borrowed Time!

Remember when your grandfather used to say, "I'm living on borrowed
time?" Now that I am at the age he was when he told me this, over 70,
I know what he meant. He was born in 1880 and the life expectancy was
age 42. He lived to be 78. He considered this borrowed time. The life
expectancy of those born in 1933, my year of birth, was 59, and after age
59 are considered "borrowed time."

The Bible says that the average life expectancy of the average person is
three score and ten or 70. According to this prediction anyone living past
70 are living on borrowed time. The Lord gives us borrowed time
according to his divine purpose.

Of course there are those who die before their time, three score and ten.
Children have cancer and other dreaded diseases. Children and adults
die in accidents at any age. Death is no respecter of a person’s age.
Diseases and accidents will hit at any age young or old. Whatever the age
that death appears at the door, we recognize it as "our time to go." As long
as God gives us breath we are blessed. We know there is a purpose for
living, and God has a divine plan for our lives. Let us treasure each day as a
gift from God.

1 comment:

  1. Decided to read your page tonight and had gone to Jay's funeral today(6-10-11). Don't understand how it could have been his time to go. I am so glad you are still here living on "borrowed time". Thank you for your continued wisdom and unconditional love. Annette
